Support - The chat isn't the admin's problem. It shouldn't be. Promotions, demotions, rules, all that stuff will be left to the moderators who have the most first hand experiance dealing with chat, and know what users do well, who causes issues, and what rules would be usefull or detrimental.
Some argue that Moderators shouldn't be given that much power, but that power will be divdided evenly. No one mod can make a descision for all of chat. Secondly, it will NOT be unchecked. While chat matters will be left to us, admins still oversee us when it comes to these things. There was some discussion of having a single admin who is willing to essentially watch over chat and guide us a bit. Obviously, this admin would still have their other duties. Chat is not important enough to have an admin completely dedicated to it.
As for mods not being responsible, that is simply not true. Yes, we have had bad apples in the past, and even currently, but a lot of that is due to bcrats handling promotions when they are simply just not as active when it comes to chat, and as a result just don't know the users as well. That isn't their fault, but the problem would be at least partially remedied by having chat moderators decide chat issues.
And while I can only speak for myself, I can assure you I'm going to do my damndest to improve chat in anyway possible. I'm certian the other moderators feel the same way as well. We don't enjoy these issues, and if we had the ability to fix them more efficently, that would only be a posistive.
Overall, it's a win win. Admins get chat out of their hair, moderators get to have more control to fix issues whenever possible, and by letting chat run chat, issues are fixed more quickly. On top of this, rule changes and right changes will be supervised to ensure stability, and if needed admins can step in any time.