Yes the admins do everything, that's sort of the point of a System Operator. Having a separate group with nearly identical permissions purely for the purpose of "labor division" is mind bogglingly stupid. Instead of having a completely separate rights groups for this why not just get together and sort of assign each other jobs or specific tasks that they should focus on? It really is that simple to do.
I don't really agree that it's stupid. VCROC was a smaller step up from rollback to admin. While some users probably would feel comfortable making that jump, I think it's understandable that others would not. Granted admin is not that big a step up from VCROC, though.
I have to agree with Guy here. But it isn't just labor division. In the past, we've had VCROC who tried to become administrators, but serious flaws came to light before they could. Some examples include G4T0R4D3xEN3RGY, Nommehzombies, and admittedly myself to a lesser degree. And that's just in recent memory. If these users were immediately promoted to admin, there would be a kind of disillusionment with the team as a whole. If we eliminate VCROC and let someone jump from rollback to admin, people we don't really know all that well could end up being terrible investments and reflect poorly on the administration.
Perhaps I'm arguing from tradition, but there is a reason VCROC has been around for so long. It isn't as useless as you think.
Edit: There's also the fact that some people want to help with advanced quality control (e.g., deleting articles), but don't want the burden of being an administrator. User:The Koromo is a good example of this. He apparently had a terrible history as an administrator and doesn't feel comfortable with the prospect of being an admin ever again. He does, however, want to contribute to the site. He'd be a great VCROC in my opinion.
Group rights.
ImGonnaBeThatGuy wrote:
A week or so ago, I roughly outlined the roles of rights holders:
That was one nice thing about VCROC, it could, theoretically, divide the labor a little more. Theory and practice, though.
What would happen now is that VCROC gets combined with admin. This essentially means that admins do EVERYTHING.
The issue is, there's no real difference. Admins were doing a majority of the Quality Control and Deletions. We had literally one VCROC member and one person who could get it, and they've been moved up to adminship.
TL;DR Admins already were doing EVERYTHING.
On that note, there's no real reason for this thread to continue to be up, as the VCROC group right has already been removed. With that, I'm locking this thread.
Shining-Armor wrote: VCROC is literally admin. They have almost all of the power of an admin except they lack the ability to undo what they have done. A VCROC member could cause just as much damage to the site as an admin could and do so just as easily as fundamentally there is almost nothing different. As for VCROC being a stepping stone it gives users a false divide between admin and rollback as there really is no middle ground. A user going from Rollback to VCROC will experience the same shock as someone going from Rollback to Sysop because they are the same thing. Again I think this needs to be said VCROC only lack the ability to undo what they have already done and this is not a good idea.
Once again, I would agree with you for a wiki specializing in basketweaving and what have you. But historically, VCROC and admins have slightly different jobs on this wiki in particular. The undelete feature gives one the ability to do deletion appeal, an additional responsibility that a person may or may not want to do. Moreover, administrators have the ability to close threads and delete comments, which gives them complete control over articles, blogs, and the forums. You can start to see a kind of divide forming; VCROCs are concerned primarily with editing and quality control, while the task of an administrator is of a more bureaucratic nature.
Steam Phoenix wrote: The issue is, there's no real difference. Admins were doing a majority of the Quality Control and Deletions. We had literally one VCROC member and one person who could get it, and they've been moved up to adminship.
TL;DR Admins already were doing EVERYTHING.
That isn't true. Although Gator's contributions were iffy, Veronica and I were reviewing and editing diligently. Veronica apparently wasn't interested in administrator at the time, and Underscorre was gearing up to become VCROC, so a lack of VCROC members wouldn't really be an issue. In fact, with the exception of Empy, the level of VCROC activity actually exceeded that of admin activity for a while.
Shining-Armor wrote: VCROC is literally admin. They have almost all of the power of an admin except they lack the ability to undo what they have done. A VCROC member could cause just as much damage to the site as an admin could and do so just as easily as fundamentally there is almost nothing different. As for VCROC being a stepping stone it gives users a false divide between admin and rollback as there really is no middle ground. A user going from Rollback to VCROC will experience the same shock as someone going from Rollback to Sysop because they are the same thing. Again I think this needs to be said VCROC only lack the ability to undo what they have already done and this is not a good idea.
Once again, I would agree with you for a wiki specializing in basketweaving and what have you. But historically, VCROC and admins have slightly different jobs on this wiki in particular. The undelete feature gives one the ability to deletion appeal, an additional responsibility that a person may or may not want to do. Moreover, administrators have the ability to close threads and delete comments, which gives them complete control over articles, blogs, and the forums. You can start to see a kind of divide forming; VCROCs are concerned primarily with editing and quality control, while the task of an administrator is of a more bureaucratic nature.
Steam Phoenix wrote: The issue is, there's no real difference. Admins were doing a majority of the Quality Control and Deletions. We had literally one VCROC member and one person who could get it, and they've been moved up to adminship.
TL;DR Admins already were doing EVERYTHING.
That isn't true. Although Gator's contributions were iffy, Veronica and I were reviewing and editing diligently. Veronica apparently wasn't interested in administrator at the time, and Underscorre was gearing up to become VCROC, so a lack of VCROC members wouldn't really be an issue.
Look, I'm not going to argue and fight about it, but I am going to say this;
Reviewing and editing diligently is the responsibility of every member on this site. Particularly, when it comes down to it, admins and VCROC. Now that chat is gone, the added responsibility of moderating it for admins makes VCROC almost redundant.
It's almost as though you're saying "VCROC should be kept because they have responsibilities!" So does everyone else in a community at large, and as admins we shouldn't be trying to excuse ourselves from everything but deleting a couple of pages and doing a few Deletion Appeals by shoving a majority of the site clean-up onto four or so people.
We should not assign responsibility to a single user group, because as it goes higher, the more it seems like a vacation. A majority of our rollbacks became inactive, and they didn't do much of jack shit at several points. In this event, with this setup, their responsibilities either go unattended to or get shoved to someone else.
Everyone needs to work as a single team - a community - with a coordinated effort behind it. We need to plan out our movements, not try to decide who is more of a grunt. Since I became admin, it's basically the same as VCROC: the reason I wanted admin was to help in Deletion Appeal. That's the only real difference.
On that note; VCROC almost has made us not precarious enough with who is selected as an administrator (Nommeh, for example). It's not an effective tool in determining a person's value or ethics to the community. A person's value and ethics are an effective tool. It's not about reputation or who has to do what with everything. It's about doing our part. With that, the selection of an admin isn't based around who was the best VCROC - it's based around who can work hardest, figure things out, and actually do things when thrown the ropes. If that's the only reason we have to keep the right, then there's even less reason to keep it.
tl;dr It isn't going to hurt anyone by any stretch of the imagination to do a little extra work and put more care and effort into who we choose for user rights.
Steam Phoenix wrote:
It's almost as though you're saying "VCROC should be kept because they have responsibilities!" So does everyone else in a community at large, and as admins we shouldn't be trying to excuse ourselves from everything but deleting a couple of pages and doing a few Deletion Appeals by shoving a majority of the site clean-up onto four or so people.
I have no idea where you got the idea that having a VCROC team is "shoving a majority of the site clean-up onto four or so people." Weren't you trying to make the argument earlier that admins have to do everything?
Steam Phoenix wrote:
We should not assign responsibility to a single user group, because as it goes higher, the more it seems like a vacation. A majority of our rollbacks became inactive, and they didn't do much of jack shit at several points. In this event, with this setup, their responsibilities either go unattended to or get shoved to someone else.
You've built a strawman here. I didn't say a user group should only do certain tasks while neglecting everything else. My point is that emphasis is placed on certain tasks depending on the user group. Administrators, for instance, can revert vandalism when they see it, but that's something rollbacks should be looking out for. Similarly, while quality control is a big part of an administrator's job, they should put a lot of their time into Deletion Appeal since VCROC don't have that ability. So perhaps VCROC do 60-70% of deletions while admins get the rest and do deletion appeal.
Steam Phoenix wrote:
On that note; VCROC almost has made us not precarious enough with who is selected as an administrator (Nommeh, for example). It's not an effective tool in determining a person's value or ethics to the community. A person's value and ethics are an effective tool. It's not about reputation or who has to do what with everything. It's about doing our part. With that, the selection of an admin isn't based around who was the best VCROC - it's based around who can work hardest, figure things out, and actually do things when thrown the ropes. If that's the only reason we have to keep the right, then there's even less reason to keep it.
How has VCROC made us less cautious in regard to whom we promote? That makes no sense whatsoever. We discovered Gator was plagiarist before he had the chance to become an administrator. Nommeh was briefly made an admin, but it was for such a short time there weren't any negative repercussions.
This isn't an address to anything you said on this thread; it's just something extra to think about. You supported my VCROC application, saying that there "wasn't even a question." Yet a few months later when I applied for administrator, you said this:
"Part of the reason I'm opposing is that adminship is only physically a step up, but our duties and responsibilities matter as well. Our attitude matters."
You're really driving home the point that as far as user rights go, there isn't a major difference between VCROC and administrators. But your attitude towards my application reflects the opposite view. If "there's no real difference" as you say, why did you support one and oppose the other?
Reviewing and editing diligently is the responsibility of every member on this site...
Um lol no it isn't. Nobody here has any sort of "responsibility" to do anything except for people with user rights.
...Particularly, when it comes down to it, admins and VCROC.
Right, people with user rights have responsibilities. Responsibilities that would be better off divided between different user groups...right? I mean, that just seems like good teamwork to me.
It's almost as though you're saying "VCROC should be kept because they have responsibilities!"
That is actually exactly what he's saying.
So does everyone else in a community at large, and as admins we shouldn't be trying to excuse ourselves from everything but deleting a couple of pages and doing a few Deletion Appeals by shoving a majority of the site clean-up onto four or so people.
No. It's simply distributing the workload. Right now admins have a ton of shit they have to deal with, what's wrong with having some people help them out? Isn't teamwork a good thing?
We should not assign responsibility to a single user group, because as it goes higher, the more it seems like a vacation.
Just because admins aren't handling every single aspect of site maintenance doesn't mean they're slacking off. I'm willing to bet that if responsibilities were more evenly distributed, productivity would actually go up.
Everyone needs to work as a single team - a community - with a coordinated effort behind it. We need to plan out our movements, not try to decide who is more of a grunt.
By "Everyone", do you mean the admins?
Also, lol at the idea that people lower down in the rank are "grunts". This is a wiki, we all have to do dirty work on here. That's just how wikis work. If giving different user groups different types of dirty work is what works best for the wiki, I don't see a problem with it.
And can you please explain to me how giving all the responsibility to the admin team is a more efficient method of teamwork than assigning different groups of users different duties? Because I'm honestly not seeing it.
I would go on, but I stopped reading there. I'm assuming the rest is more of the same.