I didn't include background music for this one. I used the sound effects of a film reel, taking inspiration from MrCreepypasta's "Normal Porn for Normal People" narration.
Essa é a Deliah, Deliah tem 28 anos é uma Proxy do Slender
Height 304M/1000 feet
Weight 800 ton
Color eye red
Color skin Black
CreaTor creepy hidup era
Data 2/1/2024
The scary part about normalpornfornormalpeople?
It's a real website.
It doesn't work on my device, so, please tell me if it's the real website? or some sick recreation.
So I was doing some stuff that reminded me of a particular CreepyPasta: normalpornfornormalpeople.com
I wanted to find proof of it or the lack their of, I did a WayBack machine search, nothing but a YouTube link. But then I did a google time search, and after narrowing down and checking multiple sites, I came across this one in Chinese, and curtesy of Google, it can be translated. Google sites the page as being from 2007, but it might also be from 2006.
I also archived this site for extra measures
As you may have noticed, this site shows a collection of different dark web links and small descriptions of what they are. When translated to English The description listed on normalpornfornormalpeople.com states "normal human test bloody URL (account required)".
I feel like the fact that this site shows many other sites that are possibly dark web related and never mentions CreepyPastas, or has this site stand out, along with the description and its knowledge that an account is needed may prove that this website was real, but the author of the CreepyPasta either used the site as an alias (unknowingly) for their story idea, or was on the dark web and had made an account as well as lied about details on how they accessed mentioned videos.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope it makes an impact.
24 Votes in Poll
Lost Episodes, Animals, Computers and Internet, Video Games, Television, Theories: HI
MARIO Video Game Creepypasta:
Can i have some pasta recs? I've read most of the classics (the rake, the backrooms, the russian sleep experiment ect.) and i'm looking for other ones!
Hahaha. i am behind on my assignments but like...who cares when there's creepy pasta
I've read almost all of the Creepypastas rn and I can't find anymore- Can ya'll suggest some in the comments section please? Don't tell the whole story, instead, just link it.
If you're bored heres a tip, go to the explore tab and click on random page. It's fun to just find random storys. I also have story recmendations,
Ted The Caver
Borrasca V (Only read after reading Borrasca)
Normal Porn For Normal People
The Showers
Don't Eat The Sandwiches
The Russian Sleep Experiment
I like Foxes
NoEnd House
I did a little searching around in the history of popular Creepypastas, and I found the original authors (or possibly just uploaders) of some of the most well-known online horror stories ever! Spoiler alert: you've probably never heard of them before.
The Russian Sleep Experiment - Orange.Soda
Squidward's Suicide - HandsomeChris
Smile Dog - Dedbutt
The Slender Man - Rosesarered
Normal Porn for Normal People - Furbearingbrick
The Rake - Black goes gray
BEN Drowned - Paninis Cupcake (originally Multiverseman)
The Rugrats Theory - DollParts