I think I still hear the audience cheering. Keep this up, man.
CR Productions wrote: WOW, it has been a long time since I've been on this forum. A chat in my opinion is a key aspect in making forums work, it brings the community together. Really disappointing and unfortunate that admins decided to remove it, what a shame. Makes this forum dry and boring, however it is a creepypasta forum so it's fitting in a way. I think it added a since of community when it came to creepypastas and the writers along with pretty much the entire wiki forum.
I understand that it's your opinion, but a Wiki doesn't necessarily need a chat to "make forums work." Personally, I see Wiki chats as a nuisance, which is why I prefer Skype.
People tend to use the argument "Yeah, but they're classics! They should be kept on the Wiki!" To them, I say "Just because they're 'classics' doesn't mean they should be kept here. They were deleted for a reason. If you can't accept that, you're simply in denial."
Conspiracy theorists are something I, unfortunately, get scared of sometimes because they act like they know everything and present you their evidence in such a way that makes it eerily believable.
Nah, I catch your drift.
Main Reaktor - Awakening NCS Release
Hardcore - Stonebank - All Night Monstercat Release
I wouldn't do that if I were you. If you want my advice, EVEN IF YOU REWRITE IT, DO NOT TRY AND POST IT TO THE MAIN WEBSITE. Always run it by the Writer's Workshop so that others can point out mistakes and how to improve on them.
That's why the Trollpasta Wiki is there as well. (Jeff the Killer and Sonic.exe are 2 examples of shitpastas that are on that Wiki)
Eminence - Universe (feat. Meron Ryan)
(Highly recommend this track if you're into relaxing music that feels like the music takes you away to a tropical beach)
Con: this last school semester was tough :/
Congratulations on that pro, man.
Con(s): Depression that nearly lead to my death.
Pro(s): Overcoming said depression. (For the most part)
Speccyemerald wrote:
What makes you so sure? Its not like you have future vison or anything related. Plus, you do not own the community nor this wiki, let alone time itself.
I know I'm not the owner of the Wiki. I never said I was. What I'm saying here is that the reasons I mentioned earlier in the discussion is the solid evidence as to why the chat is never coming back. End of discussion.
I'm sorry, but there is a 0% chance of chat coming back.
I've been on this Wiki since September of 2013 (Before the chat was shut down the first time). I was even a chat mod in 2014 when it was reopened in September of that year. On New Years' Day 2015, it was shut down permanent for the SAME reasons that got it shut down the first time around.
It was removed after a hell of a lot of drama (Which doesn't begin to describe it), overall antagonization among the users, mods, admins, etc., and other factors that are too complex to get into.
I think that ISIS is trying to instill fear among us (And I mean worldwide, not just for you guys in America and whatnot), but I keep saying the same thing: Stay strong and don't succumb to fear.