I remember that there were more creepypastas made by him(Secret Bar and Forgotten Valentine come to mind the most), but now all that's left is Jeff The Killer 2015 and the Hyraaq Tobit series. What exactly happened?
That just looks like a edit of the Gateway Of The Mind picture. And a crappy one at that.
Aw that sucks cause now I can't any of his other work other than Secret Bar :(.
I remember that there were more creepypastas made by him(Secret Bar and Forgotten Valentine come to mind the most), but now all that's left is Jeff The Killer 2015 and the Hyraaq Tobit series. What exactly happened?
Compared to other popular creepypastas on the wiki it's alright, but the fact that the scientists countinue doing the experiment even tho it was a total failure since opening the chamber bothers me. None of the messed up stuff would have happened if the government people weren't such dumbass, and I hate that in creepypastas.
Not to mention that a lot of the story is pretty poorly written, with a bunch typos and missing comas(and especially the fact that the story starts with 5 subjects, yet at the end 6 are dead).
Wow what an introduction this post is.
Imo Mandela Catalogue started out great, but after VOL.2 it genuinely became unwatchable. Cheap scares, boring to watch, uninteresting characters and alternates, nonsense plot. I could go on and on with it's problems. And it really sucks because at the beginning it was definitely praise worthy, at least to me.
I know it's technically not Analog Horror(more of a Digital Horror one) but Lacey's Flash Games series has got to be one of the scariest internet horror series I've seen. There's like only two entries so far yet it made filled with dread that almost no other series could. Absolutely my favourite when it comes to horror series in general.
Though if we only talking about Analog Horror specifically, than Local 58, Gemini Home Entertainment and Boisvert are all pretty great(would also like to give a mention to Petscop, tho again not exactly Analog Horror).
Clockwork and I Hate You in good while Smile.jpg and Polybius in bad? Doesn't really make sense to me but sure.
Also BEN Drowned and Russian Sleep Experiment severely overrated here.
Mad respect for Lost Silver tho, glad I'm not the only one to hate it.
-Ed Edd N Eddy Lost Episode
Barely even counts as a story(let alone a scary one), as there's littlary no plot to the episode expect for the characters from the show going through cliched and complete random "plots" that don't have any connection to each other than "Man, that's diffrent from the actual show, isn't that spooky?!??!".
Half of it feels like the author has never even watched the show before, and at best it's description of imagery that you would show for your homework, and it's not even well described one. Even by Lost Episodes standards it's awful and honestly should've been deleted like with most other stories of it's kind.
-Devolution(aka the Pokemon shitty fanfic)
The most try hard creepypasta I've read, it seriously makes me cringe. If you've seen it you'll probably understand me.
-The Scorpion Ritual
The epitome of everything wrong about rituals pastas. It can't even do the basics of making you do the ritual, as the entire instructions are overcompleced beyond believe and you'll basically be in trouble even if the ritual fail as you have to find a damn corpse for it. And your reward for it is basically a drawn out death.
The Gym Teacher.
I was not expecting at all what would happen in that story but damn did I love it.
I can definitely agree on deleting the story, as it's as badly written as the fucking Rugrats Theory(which is saying a lot) and it's just trying to get popularity out of the og video.
But I think the article itself should stay, as it's historical and nice to look back on.
I wouldn't swallow a whole dead eel, let alone an alive one, so box.
No problem.
You mean that one based on "See You After, Babe"?
I think it was called "Does Anyone Else Remember This Song From Around 2008?".
That's a very small description for finding a story. The only thing that comes to mind is The Fearless Vampire Killing Brothers, but that's definitely not it.
But was there actually Image of the Month? What was that about?
I forgot Herobrine existed until this post.
I remember coming up with a Dark Web + Porngraphy story ones. I think I named it "Mouth Torture Porn" or something like that.
It would basically be about a guy looking through the Deep Web and finding videos/websites that he expected to see, except for one particular website he came across randomly. The said website would contain either NSFW videos of a guy and a woman performing... bad stuff with random peoples mouth until sewing their mouth in the end(and that would always be the final shot of the videos), or SFW videos which wouldn't contain sexual or graphic stuff but would always be about mouth's(like a close up of a mouth eating a sandwich or a tongue stuck to an icicle).
The videos would be uploaded on a regular basis(like 4-5 a day) and after watching some of the videos the protag realizes something. All the random people are completely fine with what happens to them in the videos, they don't scream or anything, they usually just smile or have a neutral face through out all of it. In fact, at the beginning of every video, the said random people would just enter the house where(supposedly) the guy and the woman lived by themselves, without any fear in them, so the protag thinks that everyone in the videos aren't being forced to be a part of them. They go there knowingly. Protagonist finds the entire situation weird, decides to look into it more.
I don't remember what the middle part would be about, but the ending would be the protagonist ending up in one of the videos, with another person stumbling across the websites. And that cycle would continue.
I came up with the idea a year ago when I had an incident of being sent a porn video(which I didn't even realize WAS a porn video because the name and the dialog of the video was in a language I didn't understand) by email and finding the content, while definitely not as vile as would be in the story, to be... rather disturbing and I honestly thought it was real. Looking back on it though, I was completely dumb and the video was definitely a setup.
So after a day of thinking about what happened, I decided to write a creepypasta "similar" to my situation. I put similar in quotation because, funnily enough, the story barely had any elements of my incident or the video I watched(the only part that did happen in both story and situation was the video being filmed by a guy and a girl). So I have no idea what I was going for exactly.
It was actually supposed to be my first ever creepypastas I would have written, but I'm very glad I did not. Because after a week of not getting into writing the story, I realized that the entire plot was stupid, barely different from other Dark Web creepypastas, and would most likely just be Normal Porn For Normal People knock-off but more graphic and tasteless. If I had written that story, I'm sure I wouldn't have looked back on it fondly.
Tbh I really don't think Squidward's Suicide is on the same level of something like Sonic.exe or Eyeless Jack as many people claim. Sure, it's not good by today standards at all and the only people who like it are the ones who have nostalgia for it, but to me it's okay enough to be kept here for historical purposes. And that's mostly because it at least tried to tell an interesting story for the time it came out, even if it was inspired by two other pastas(Dead Bart and Suicidemouse.avi) you could tell the plots aren't the same and only took some elements from these stories(admittedly, not the good ones).
While Sonic.exe, not only did it make the community look like a laughingstock, but it copied multiple plots AND elements from other creepypasta that have come out at that point(BEN Drowned, NES Godzilla, Misfortune.gb and so on), so to me it doesn't need to be here, cause the gaming creepypasta genre has already been established without it(the only thing the story was make said genre worse).
And no, I'm not defending Squidward's Suicide. I don't like the story either and I hate it when people say that this story can't be criticised for being a "classic". But at the same time, there's a reason historical archives exist, and I think Squidward's Suicide suits that category. Not a good story, but something the community can look back on. Otherwise, many "classical" creepypastas would be off the wiki already if people took it face value(even some beloved ones wouldn't be here, like BEN Drowned or Russian Sleep Experiment).
And plus, I think there are way worse stories that I question why they're still on this wiki: like Crybaby Lane(but real talk, WHY is this still here? It's utter garbage. Plz admins delete if you can. Thank you.).
Ehh, while there are definitely some pasta of the month that deserve the title, there are also...rather shitty ones that make me question how they won the title in the first place.(although most of the bad ones are from way back, so maybe that's the reason). Either way, POTM isn't a completly save category.