Creepypasta Wiki

If you have ever been in a near death experience you may have seen you life "flash" before your eyes. I've asked several people about this. They said that it was like they went through their whole life in a second. That's not to far fetched. Your brain likes to avoid stress, to not have to deal with facing death. So if your brain was to think you were going to die it would go to the easiest way to escape: memory. So when it comes close to your end your brain turns on every memory you ever had.

The brain also will stay alive for about 7 minutes after you die, provided your brain is in tact. So if you have 7 minutes and you can experience your whole life in one second, that's 60 lives per minute. 420 lives in 7 minutes. That's a lot of time. And a lot of experiences with death.

How much time do you have left?
