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===Bureau of Redacted Media: Case File - N/A===

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The following is an abridged report on several low-risk anomalies present in the [UPDATE: CHICAGO, IL | JAN - JULY 2023] case survey. Anomalous phenomenon and their connection to major Abyssal activities may be either nominal, minimal, or non-existent. Redactions may vary in intensity.

Media Recovered: Photograph

Anomaly Type: Cognito-hazardous growth

Disturbance Level: Nominal - Visible

Redaction Efficacy: 98.6%

Photo of an alley Northwest of the ██████ area showcasing a wall extensively vandalized by graffiti artists. Civilians walking through this alley between the hours of 11pm and 4am reported seeing their inner thoughts written out alongside the wall as they passed by. Any graffiti not erased will begin scribing the target’s thoughts and grow outward in an increasingly elaborate design. Modified graffiti appears to layer over older instances - any older layers not entirely removed will begin the process anew. A select portion of thoughts transcribed are not conscious at all and occasionally reveal information the participant could not possibly know, or have otherwise repressed. Redactive measures took a few attempts to fully neutralize the anomaly - participants were made to believe they were victims of oncoming strokes, and given placebo medical attention. No further action needed.

Anomaly Graffiti

Media Recovered: Photograph

Anomaly Type: Physical space alteration

Disturbance Level: Nominal - Semi-visible

Redaction Efficacy: 87.9%

Photograph of a parking enclosure which features a localized gravitational anomaly. A column of air (in a roughly 4 by 4 foot square) extending 32 feet into and above the second story has an unknown gravitational influence strong enough to effectively ‘mulch’ or grind any humans that step into it. Biological matter is typically pushed uniformly into the 4 x 4 space on the ascending floors. Artificial matter remains unaffected. So far, four individuals have fallen prey to the gravity well - the building has been foreclosed indefinitely and labeled as hazardous due to structural damages seemingly unrelated to the anomaly. A method of determining its properties and a way to neutralize, or at least relocate, the anomaly is currently underway. Biweekly observation is recommended until further notice.

Anomaly grav

Media Recovered: Video capture

Anomaly Type: Rogue thoughtform

Disturbance Level: Minimal - Visible - Incorporeal

Redaction Efficacy: 12.78%

Still frame from video capture of a rogue entity manifesting in various portions of the city, at the time under partial containment. Entity is a non-static, non-sapient thoughtform manifested from an unknown individual(s). Due to the nature of its exceedingly esoteric and virtually instant/limitless ability to shapeshift, capture is immensely difficult. However, disruptions are so brief, illusory, and easily chalked up to mundane occurrences, (e.g: gas leak, underlying medical issues, poor visibility, PTSD, etc) that potential disruption of normalcy is kept to a minimum. At the very worst, physical capture may lead to further disruptions due to the entity’s tendency to manifest as potentially sensitive information. Entity is non-hostile.

Anomaly Boggart

Media Recovered: Photograph, Ring video

Anomaly Type: Rogue thoughtform/possible human Aberration

Disturbance Level: Disruptive - Visible

Redaction Efficacy: 70.9%

A church in the ██████ Park area was repeatedly reported by several residents of the area that there appeared to be inhuman movement near or in the church during hours of minimal activity. Hysteria over shared experiences in social media, coupled with media evidence and religious paranoia, resulted in Bureau intervention. Nightly observation by a lone agent yielded an apparition which promoted intense spikes in fear, anxiety, and curiosity in bystanders, and would only disappear following all relevant parties breaking line of sight. After apparently following the observing agent back to a Bureau LS Relay via teleportation, all external activity has ceased, provided said agent continually monitors the entity every night within the relay, without interruption. Social media repression is in effect.

Notes: DIRECTOR NOTICE - Agents will be supplied surplus ███ solution and personal effects to alleviate the impact of all night observation. Termination of anomaly is greenlit following any substantial deviation in observed patterns, or following malicious intent on the anomaly’s part.

Anomaly Beelz

Media Recovered: Photograph

Anomaly Type: Localized spatial aperture

Disturbance Level: Disruptive- Visible

Redaction Efficacy: 79%

Anomalous space appears to overlap with a hotel elevator in ██████, appearing at odd and infrequent intervals. Bystanders crossing the threshold of the wet cone are immediately teleported to an unknown realm parallel to the entirety of the hotel, returning only by perishing or exiting the front lobby doors. Victims typically return in a state of dream-like shock, requiring extensive psychiatric care to return to normal. All current and ongoing staff have been given memory suppressants and instructed to ignore any sounds or inclinations related to the elevator when the wet floor sign is in it (until such a time the anomaly disappears, typically within 20 minutes).

Anomaly elevator

Media Recovered: Photographic file

Anomaly Type: Digital aberration

Disturbance Level: Minimal - Full Redaction

Redaction Efficacy: 100%

Moving image taken from a prolific chain letter circulating around gaming servers. Reportedly would shift into a GIF file format and “talk” to the users via frame manipulation. A brief probe into the source of the original file produced no results, however a single redactive frame was sufficient to cease activity across all known file locations locally. No sensitive information or significant disturbances were caused, all known instances removed successfully. No further action required.

Anomaly jaypayg

Media Recovered: Dating app profile

Anomaly Type: Malevolent threat/human Aberration

Disturbance Level: Disruptive - Semi-visible

Redaction Efficacy: 12%

A recent string of homicides loosely scattered between Cook and █████ County were documented, connected by victim backgrounds (see attached report details). Users who matched the criteria for the anomaly to manifest and swiped right are consistently stalked by 13 aggressive and hostile entities over the course of seven days, culminating in exsanguination, ████, desecration, and consumption, not always in consecutive order. Entity has since been reclassified as a human Aberration and is currently being hunted. Redaction efforts have been difficult due to the entity being virtually unrelated to its sudden manifestation on dating applications - recommended increase in sponsored Hunts, as well as increased observation of dating app users, to promote proactive engagement.

Anomaly Tin
