Creepypasta Wiki

In the section below, leave a link to a page and your signature with timestamp. Please make sure you add your signature, as nominations without one will be discarded. Only nominate any given pasta ONCE as there is a voting method for deciding.

Please do not nominate your own pages. Do not nominate pages in the Classics category or any other page that is already extremely popular. Do not nominate troll or horrible troll pastas. Do not nominate pages in the Suggested Reading Category. Any such nominations will be invalidated.

Keep in mind that as the story will be featured on the home page of the wiki, NSFW stories should not be nominated.

Only ONE nomination per user. If there's more than one pasta that you feel deserves Pasta of the Month, please either contact an admin about it or wait until next month to nominate the next one.

Please don't leave comments next to your vote. The story will more than likely do a better job of convincing the reader to like it than you would giving your opinion. Also, it makes the nomination page look sloppy.

Nominations will be open until the 15th of the month. This gives everyone ample time to nominate pages and then about 15 days to vote.

==Nominations for February 2015
