Creepypasta Wiki

I think it's funny that movies always have a part where somebody says “don't go looking for trouble” or “you won't like what you find” when someone starts digging for info. It's funny because nobody does that in the real world so finding something out is almost always super easy. People love to gossip, right? It fills the gaps in boring work conversations and makes daily life seem way more interesting. You all do it, don't even deny it.

The problem is when everybody sharing the same gossip has a minor detail that's different in their version. Like who the fuck was your source? Why would anybody change the story? It's usually never a very interesting detail anyway.

That's not the issue here though. This time not one of the answers was even the same. So let me start from the beginning.

About a year ago, I moved into a really fucking sweet apartment on the outskirts of [74686520636f6e667573696f6e206f6620746f6e67756573]. I'm sure you all know that the rent here is cheaper the farther out you go. (if you don't, there's a little pro-tip for you, free of charge)

The buildings usually look like they should be out of your price range too, but they're not. I got extra lucky at my place with a corner loft on the top floor with a vaulted ceiling that stretches really high so the whole thing is super spacious and comfy. Or it would be comfy if it weren't for the construction behind the apartment. It started about 3 months after I moved in and hasn't really stopped since. It seems like all hours of the day I hear stupid trucks beepin and boopin all over the place, hauling things from one end of the construction site to the other. The sound of the steel girders clanking in to each other is the worst part though. That awful boom of metal against metal. It became so consistent that I couldn't resist the urge to find out how much longer it was gonna take.

So last Monday I get to the office I work at and start asking around about this building that's going up. I started with [61206c6f737420736f756c] in the cubicle across from me. “Oh yeah, it's going to be a hospital.” Then I asked [61206c6f737420736f756c] three cubicles away. “My brother and I were just talking about that yesterday. He's positive it's going to be a plastic manufacturing company but I heard it was going to be another Microsoft building.” he said. I finished off my rounds with [61206c6f737420736f756c] on 5th that says it's going to be a law firm and the secretary on the main floor that “heard on the news it was some up and coming web marketing agency.” It was strange but I figured somebody was bound to say the same thing as someone else eventually and then maybe I'd have my answer.

I went over to my friend's place after work to play smash bros and we invited over a few more people to even the odds since he was way better than me (thank you internet for keeping me anonymous because I would never say that to his face). Once [61206c6f737420736f756c] and [61206c6f737420736f756c] got there, I started up again about the building. I was sure [61206c6f737420736f756c] knew because he was an editor for the local paper but even he told me that nobody he worked with could get a solid fact down. More than that, none of the journalists could even get ahold of anyone to ask about it's progress.

Flash forward to today; it all got so much weirder and became the major reason why I'm writing this in the first place. I didn't notice it until just a couple of days ago but they've started removing the steel girders and have instead started building up the main elevator shaft in the center of it all.


You can see by the tilt of the rope in that photo that the girder is swinging away from the building. I'm not making this shit up! They're removing everything they worked on for the last year and have switched to working on the elevator only like some kind of giant tower.

I was confused and a little freaked out when I realized what was happening so after taking the picture I went over there to ask questions but everyone spoke really broken English and every time I stopped someone they just yelled and kept walking. It made sense, I probably wasn't supposed to be walking around inside the gated area anyway. It was getting late and I was getting nowhere, but just as I was giving up and started heading back to my apartment, I noticed a single lone sign off to the left of the entrance that read [5,433 Cubits and 2 Palms Tower]. Now that I'd thought about it, this was the only sign in the entire

construction site. There weren't even any labels on any tools or work trailers. The porta-potties didn't even have labels! Seriously, like every company gets their porta-potties from the same place so that didn't even seem possible. After looking more closely at the sign I noticed [11:4-9] was scribbled in red marker all across the bottom. I knew nobody affiliated with this construction could've wrote the bottom part because it was too rude (even for construction workers) to be on public display and actually made me a little uncomfortable to be standing so close to something so graphic. I left quickly after that.

Now I had a name but I needed to know more, I decided to go back that night after midnight.


I walked along the side of the wire fence until I came to the truck gate. I thought I'd have to hop it but it swung open with the slightest push. This was unreal, it shouldn't be this easy to get inside something like this at night. I kept going until I came to a decline in the dirt leading into a basement entrance to the building.

As you can see, there was a single light on in the back. I stopped abruptly when I noticed it but there shouldn't have been anybody at the construction site this late so I assumed somebody had just forgotten to turn the light off. I slowly started up again on my way down the path when suddenly I heard a box fall deep inside the building with an echo that I swear to god couldn't have been as big as it was. It sounded like it came out of a football stadium. No, that's not even big enough. It was like it bounced off the side of a mountain or deep within a canyon except it was inside! It sent a chill down my spine that forced me to turn back and just as I did, out of the corner of my eye I'm fucking sure I saw a huge beastly face that looked just like [546865206f6e65207468617420736c656570732062656c6f77] barely illuminated by the light of the room just behind it. From what I could tell in that instant, it was completely motionless. Just watching from afar.

I screamed and sprinted all the way from the basement entrance back to the front door of my apartment. I knew what I really saw had to be the silhouette of what was likely just boxes fueled by adrenaline and that effect being alone in the dark late at night has on you. I started to feel a little better from working that part out. Then just as easily as I got my pulse to slow it sped right back up as I remembered that something had to make that box fall and if it was a


person, I'm sure they would've seen me and called after me to get off the property, right? So what the hell was it? What the hell is this building? I couldn't go to the police because they'd know I shouldn't have been there in the first place. I don't want to, but I need to go back tomorrow. I need to know who's building [5,433 Cubits and 2 Palms Tower] and why.

Somebody please look back at the pictures and tell me if you see the thing I described in the darkness. I doubt you can see anything because the photos are so dark but I'm too freaked out right now to verify anything myself. I plan to bring my laptop and a better camera with me tomorrow so hopefully I can update right on the spot.

Part 2:

For those of you not up to speed, you can read part 1 of what's happening [here](

Okay, so I woke up in my bed just a few minutes ago with no recollection of how I got back here, turned my laptop on that luckily survived the events of the night before and have started typing this latest addition. I can't recall anything after passing out yesterday...or I guess its still today. I'm really turned around because It's felt like so long since I last updated and so much has happened but my computer calendar, reddit, and everything else is claiming its still 8/22/2014 which is only two days after my first visit to **[5,433 Cubits and 2 Palms Tower]**.

So before I get into things, I need to thank user kamafr for deciphering the text on my last entry. After looking back over the article I noticed that wherever I tried to type a formal noun of any kind like a friend's name or a location or whatever, something was changing the text. I don't know if my account got hacked or what. I hear about that happening way too often on posts like this to assume anything else but the text it changed to actually seems relevant. So yeah, here's what he found out: **[18 19 14 15    13 14 22.    5 8 13 3    19 7 4 18 4    22 14 17 3 18    0 13 3    8    18 7 0 11 11    5 8 13 3    24 14 20,    18 15 4 0 10    19 7 4 18 4    22 14 17 3 18    0 13 3    8    18 7 0 11 11    5 8 13 3    24 14 20    18 14 14 13 4 17.    2 11 14 0 10 4 3    8 13    18 10 8 13,    8    18 19 4 0 11    0 22 0 24    8 13 19 14    24 14 20 17    17 14 14 12    0 13 3    2 20 19    24 14 20 17    19 14 13 6 20 4    5 17 14 12    24 14 20 17    19 7 17 14 0 19    0 13 3    15 20 19    24 14 20    8 13    19 7 4    15 8 19    22 8 19 7    19 7 4    14 19 7 4 17 18.    3 14    13 14 19    18 4 4 10    19 7 4    19 17 20 19 7.]**

So basically **[5,433 Cubits and 2 Palms Tower]** is actually **[G + R 11:4-9]**. Before the events of this last week, this wouldn't have seemed possible to me but now I really think it's true.

I'm about to show you the pages I wrote before and during my most recent visit to the tower. I know you're not going to believe any of it and I know I have trouble with it myself, but this is the only place I know where someone out there might find some semblance of truth and take it as a warning. I've been shaking like crazy the whole time I'm writing this because the things I saw just weren't possible and I don't exactly know why I'm still alive. Something is happening and I think you all need to be ready for it. Nobody nearby seems to notice it like I do but maybe whatever's affecting them hasn't reached any of you yet. Let's get started

5:30 PM 8/22/2014

UPDATE! Holy fuck update! So it was my last day at this internship before starting back up the fall semester and I wanted one last picture of the place to remind me how kick ass this job was. I went up to our lounge room on the 6th floor and decided to take a nice shot of the fireplace with our sunny little balcony in the background. The view was kind of bleh since there was more construction in the background here as well (like I needed another reminder) but I didn't care because it was still a really cool place. I noticed that the lighting was really bad in the first pic I took, as you can see here: [work photo 1](

So I decided to take another shot. Here's the picture: [work photo 2](

I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn't seeing things. There's no way it could be there! My apartment is very far south of where I work and the balcony faces the north side. Then I looked even closer. My apartment complex was suddenly to the left of the building. In the time it took me to take a single photo, the layout of several key parts of the city have changed. From what I can tell, just the central area of my apartment complex has moved to the northern lot of town along with that...that thing. That awful, awful tower! I don't even know what happened to what was there before it. I know I went to school with a girl that lived up in that area and I hope to god she's okay. I screamed at my coworkers to look and they all thought I was crazy like it had just been there the whole time. Not a single person realized what had happened or even that the building was never there to begin with. I began to wonder why was I able to remember where it used to be? Or more-so, why did it let me remember? Why is it following me?

I'm going to head home from work and update you all on my plan of action. I should just escape while I can, I've got nobody to turn to anyway. The cops would think I was crazy, and my friends aren't any better about helping me in a pinch. Ugh, I wish **[6120736176656420736f756c]** was still around. He was the only friend I had that always had my back. I don't want to get all sappy so I'll just say he isn't with us anymore. Ugh, I need to stop thinking for awhile. Be back later.

8:00 PM 8/22/2014

I'd been pacing the room for the last couple hours trying to decide if I'm going to go in there and if I do, how do I log everything. I caved and decided to go. I was also going to go with my original plan of bringing my laptop with me to type stuff down while I'm there. I really don't want to sit in that fucking building for any length of time, but I know if something happens, at least my text will be out there. There's a chance somebody might find it someday and do something with it and I need to take that chance. I decided to pack for extreme circumstances. I'm not some idiot in a horror movie, this is real and I'm not about to make any dumb decisions. I gathered together plenty of food in case I somehow got trapped (I mean the building was unfinished), a flashlight with extra batteries, my laptop, an extra battery for my laptop, a camera, my phone, a few basic tools (big fucking hammer, screwdriver, etc.), plenty of rope and a knife from the kitchen. I hope I wouldn't need it but I'm being cautious. This is it, there's nothing more to it. I'm going. I'll post another update later.

10:00 PM 8/22/2014 I made it in to the basement. The gate was still unlocked although this time much harder to swing open as if it were rusted over. On my way in, I was worried that whatever I saw last time would be back again but so far I haven't seen anything. The light in the back room was still on, flickering a little, and what it lit up was just a storage area for cement mixers, some tools, and a bunch of unmarked boxes. Possibly one of the boxes that fell and made that ungodly distant echo. The strange thing this time around though was that every sound I made seemed stiff and compressed without a single echo at all. The air was stale and hot as though I'd been sitting in a smaller room for a long time with the door closed. Beyond here was a hallway that lead into a series of other hallways all musty and unfinished but still dimly lit. Perhaps they kept the lights on at night as a safety protocol? I dunno. I walked down the halls for a bit and here are some phone pics of what I saw: [basement photo 1]( [basement photo 2](

The interior looked really beat up for having been a new building but I've never worked in construction so I have no idea what unfinished buildings are supposed to look like. Sorry for the poor picture quality, by the way. I wasn't ready to pull out my nicer camera yet since it has a pretty short battery life and I think I'll save that for whatever I find higher up. I managed to find a staircase and I've decided to take a break to write this out before I continue up. As I'm typing this I keep hearing creaks in the metal above. I'm hoping it's just the wind. Another update coming.

10:49 PM 8/22/2014

I can't believe it's taken me 45 minutes to get up these stairs, and I'm still not done! I wasn't counting floors or anything but there's no way I'm not up to the top by now! I had to take a break because I'm so out of breath so I decided to make an update. There isn't much light up here anymore and my flash is wigging out so I had to take a night vision shot on my camera: [Elevator shaft stairs](

 I can't even see the bottom anymore. It's getting pretty cold up here too and I think it started storming outside because I keep hearing these booming sounds all up and down the stairs. I have to keep going though, I won't be satisfied until I get to the top. I really hope there's an answer waiting for me there.

12:11 AM 8/23/2014

This is impossible. I haven't seen any windows so I have no way of knowing but this is definitely impossible. I'm still climbing the stairs. I'm scared out of my mind because I know I've gone up at least 20, 30, maybe even 40 or 50 floors and that tower had to be 15 floors tops. I'm so tired and so cold and nothing makes any sense. I'm going to go a little further and if I don't find something soon I need to head back. I can already tell my sanity must be slipping because the giant mountain-sized echoes are coming back and they get a little louder with every step I take. I've also started seeing movement in the stairs below when I peer over the edge. I could just barely make out some features but it almost looked like **[18 15 8 11 11    19 7 4 8 17    1 11 14 14 3    14 13    19 7 4    18 19 0 8 17 18.    4 21 4 17 24 14 13 4.]** with grinning teeth. I know it's just my mind playing tricks on me but I'm going to start going again because the longer I stay here the worse the illusions get.

12:30 AM 8/23/2014

I just reached...whatever floor I reached, and it's different. Not by much, but it's different. The floor extends a little beyond the square area of the staircase into a small room in the corner. There isn't much in here besides some very old wires and a pile of junk on the floor. I got the flash working again on my camera so I took a picture: [extra room](

As you can see, the structure of the room doesn't really match the rest of the building architecture. It's all made with brick and looks far too old to have just been built. Stranger yet is a folder in the pile of junk on the floor. It's dated 2/11/95 so this file is 19 years old. It's possible that this junk was just brought up here for whatever reason but that still doesn't explain how old everything looks. Something isn't adding up and I need to find out what that something is. I need to keep going because even as I type I can feel eyes watching me like the walls are alive or something. I almost thought I heard someone say **[8    2 0 13    18 4 4    24 14 20    19 7 17 14 20 6 7    19 7 4    18 2 17 4 4 13.    19 7 4    20 13 2 14 13 5 20 18 4 3    0 17 4    5 8 17 18 19    19 14    5 0 11 11.]** If I don't make it to the top quickly I'm going to have a mental break down.

2:45 AM 8/23/2014

I finally made it to the top and it's so much bigger than anything I've ever seen. There's so many corridors leading on and on forever. Some of the rooms I don't even want to walk in to because they don't look like they end. The walls are covered in **[6 20 19    24 14 20    20 13 19 8 11    24 14 20    18 19 14 15    18 2 17 4 0 12 8 13 6]** and it just keeps going on like that from wall to wall. I can't imagine how any of this even got here. It's so hard to type with all the ringing from that echoing. The echo just keeps going and doesn't ever stop. I think the thing is catching up, I can smell **[0    13 4 22    11 14 17 3    7 0 18    17 8 18 4 13] getting stronger. I'm going to walk and type. Hopefully it doesn't [8    0 12    12 0 12 12 14 13.    8    5 4 11 11    0 13 3    18 14    7 0 21 4    8    1 20 8 11 19    5 17 14 12    1 4 11 14 22.    8    22 8 11 11    2 11 0 8 12    0 11 11    19 7 8 13 6 18    8 13    12 24    14 22 13    13 0 12 4 18.        19 7 4 18 4    7 0 21 4    15 14 22 4 17    19 14    18 7 20 19    7 4 0 21 4 13,    19 7 0 19    8 19    17 0 8 13    13 14 19    8 13    19 7 4    3 0 24 18    14 5    19 7 4 8 17    15 17 14 15 7 4 2 24:    0 13 3    7 0 21 4    15 14 22 4 17    14 21 4 17    22 0 19 4 17 18    19 14    19 20 17 13    19 7 4 12    19 14    1 11 14 14 3,    0 13 3    19 14    18 12 8 19 4    19 7 4    4 0 17 19 7    22 8 19 7    0 11 11    15 11 0 6 20 4 18,    0 18    14 5 19 4 13    0 18    19 7 4 24    22 8 11 11.    0 13 3    22 7 4 13    19 7 4 24    18 7 0 11 11    7 0 21 4    5 8 13 8 18 7 4 3    19 7 4 8 17    19 4 18 19 8 12 14 13 24,    19 7 4    1 4 0 18 19    19 7 0 19    0 18 2 4 13 3 4 19 7    14 20 19    14 5    19 7 4    1 14 19 19 14 12 11 4 18 18    15 8 19    18 7 0 11 11    12 0 10 4    22 0 17    0 6 0 8 13 18 19    19 7 4 12,    0 13 3    18 7 0 11 11    14 21 4 17 2 14 12 4    19 7 4 12,    0 13 3    10 8 11 11    19 7 4 12.    0 13 3    19 7 4 8 17    3 4 0 3    1 14 3 8 4 18    18 7 0 11 11    11 8 4    8 13    19 7 4    18 19 17 4 4 19    14 5    19 7 4    6 17 4 0 19    2 8 19 24,    22 7 8 2 7    18 15 8 17 8 19 20 0 11 11 24    8 18    2 0 11 11 4 3    18 14 3 14 12    0 13 3    4 6 24 15 19,    22 7 4 17 4    0 11 18 14    14 20 17    11 14 17 3    22 0 18    2 17 20 2 8 5 8 4 3.    0 13 3    19 7 4 24    14 5    19 7 4    15 4 14 15 11 4    0 13 3    10 8 13 3 17 4 3 18    0 13 3    19 14 13 6 20 4 18    0 13 3    13 0 19 8 14 13 18    18 7 0 11 11    18 4 4    19 7 4 8 17    3 4 0 3    1 14 3 8 4 18    19 7 17 4 4    3 0 24 18    0 13 3    0 13    7 0 11 5,    0 13 3    18 7 0 11 11    13 14 19    18 20 5 5 4 17    19 7 4 8 17    3 4 0 3    1 14 3 8 4 18    19 14    1 4    15 20 19    8 13    6 17 0 21 4 18.]**  




And that's the last saved update I could find on my laptop. I don't even remember writing that last entry at all or even if I ever really got to the top. I blacked out and suddenly woke up in my bed. I don't know what any of this means but if it coincides with what was deciphered from my first entry on reddit, then there isn't much time left. I don't know what to do or how I can stop any of this. This is above me. This is above all of us. I don't know if I have the will to try going back to **[5,433 Cubits and 2 Palms Tower]** but I need to make a decision soon because I can still hear the echo even now. It's **[coming for everyone]** and I can't stop it.
