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Forums: Index > General Wiki Discussion > Editing a story after it has narrations on Youtube

Sorry if this is the wrong subforum, just a question to everyone here. How do you feel about making changes to a story you wrote after it has already been narrated by some youtubers? Because I had a massive brain fart when writing one of mine and realised way too late, and I'd want to change it to, you know, fix that brain fart... but then the narrators would look like they messed up since it'd basically just be consistently replacing one word that makes a huge difference in the big picture.

VerminGoat (talk) 05:03, 7 May 2021 (UTC)

I've had thoughts about this before. I guess it depends on the change you're making. If it's, like, a glaring plot issue or something that would dampen the story's general integrity if left unchanged, then I would encourage making that change. If it's a slight rewording of a sentence or two that would make them sound less clumsy, then go ahead, I'm sure no-one will really take notice. If it's a large overhaul, to the point where entire paragraphs are being deleted/created, then I would maybe just leave it.

I think CP narrators are more concerned about the atmosphere and tone they create with their videos rather than the accuracy of their sentences when compared to the source. If your story gets a narration, then that story can 100% be considered 'successful', and just left as it is. But, if you seriously aren't satisfied with it personally, then I guess you'll just have to make that sacrifice.

Alternatively, you could just change whatever you want about the story on whatever platform you have it saved to that isn't the CP wiki (Microsoft Word, Pastebin, etc.), but leave the version that is on the CP wiki as it is, but I get that may not be a satisfying solution to the problem for some people.

Why didn't anyone laugh at the farmer's jokes? Because they were too corny! (talk) 00:11, 7 June 2021 (UTC)Cornconic

I've had this happen once, with my lost episode story, and I just had to suck it up and change it. The story was primarily based on The Aristocats and a specific error I made revealed that I had not actually watched the film in some years. This was embarassing and I thought of trying to skirt around it using the whole "lost episode" aspect but in the end it bothered me too much so I changed it. But the most viewed narration of the story still has the error in there.

HopelessNightOwl (talk) 06:17, 7 June 2021 (UTC)
