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Holder of Intellect walking stick

In any city, in any country, go to any school or educational center you can get yourself into. Go to any classroom and approach any object that can be easily written on. Ignore anyone or anything that tries to stop or impede you in any way, they merely seek to delay or stop you.

Once you're in front of an object you deem fit, close your eyes and state out loud, "I wish to learn, and seek the truth."

You must immediately open your eyes when you finish. You will be in a hallway that seems to stretch on forever, and yet seems claustrophobic-ally short. It will seem to be everything, and nothing at the same time. Twisting and turning into dimensions unfathomable by the human mind. Walk straight and look for the classroom with the rusted number 56. Make sure that as you search, make no noise, this is crucial for your survival.

Enter the classroom and take the closest seat, avoiding everyone that would be able to see you. Sit silently but do not look at anything or close your eyes. Pay attention to the teacher's words, or your life will be devoted to learning, such is the fate of those who fail this task and became the monster's pupils. Do not answer any question the teacher asks, except for when he asks for a question in return. You must wait exactly five seconds, and raise your hand. You must ask, in a confident voice, "What is the true meaning of anything?"

The teacher will start to decay, while answering all the questions that will ever be asked. Most will go mad at this, but if you are strong, you must not do a single thing during this, lest you be devoured by all the pupils in the room. After the teacher has stopped, he will vanish, leaving behind a walking stick.

Quickly get up and grab it and say, "I have learned, and so have all of you."

You will then appear in your home, or the place you last slept if you don't have one, unscathed, wielding the stick. That stick is object 206 of 538. With it, you can shape the world as you see fit. They must never come together, or the void will devour you.
