Creepypasta Wiki

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//Chat Options

//Chat Title
document.title = "Chat - " + wgSitename;

var maxLimit = 5; //Sets maximum number of lines
var maxLength = 1000; // Sets max length of  line in characters
var limitTimeout = 5000; //Sets time till next number of lines to be submitted
var rate = 0;
function ratelimit(e) {
	if (rate > maxLimit) {
		this.disabled = true;//disabling input in case they press ESC before the redirect is complete
		mainRoom.sendMessage({which : 13, shiftKey : false, preventDefault : function() {} })
		document.location.href = wgServer+"/wiki/Special:UserLogout";
		return false;
	if (this.value.length>=maxLength || this.value.split('\n').length>=6) {
		var val = this.value.substring(0,maxLength).split('\n');
		val = val[0]+'\n'+val[1]+'\n'+val[2]+'\n'+val[3]+'\n'+val[4];//remove all lines after the 5th line.
		this.value = val;
		if (e.type == 'keypress') {
			return false;
	if (e.type == 'keypress' && e.which == 13 && !e.shiftKey && this.value != '') {
		rate += 1;
		setTimeout(function() {
			if (rate > 0) { rate -= 1 }

//Chatmod Stars
setInterval(function() {
    $('#Rail .username').each(function() {
        if (!this.innerHTML.match(/Temmington|Dream Hacked|ChaoZStrider|CPwikiCHATlogger|Kill1mes|JackFrost5738|MrDark|CrashingCymbal|Dark Hoodie/)) {
}, 1000)


//By: User:Benjaminthewill123123
if (wgUserGroups.indexOf('sysop')!=-1) 
    $('<a id= "BlockUserButton" class="wikia-button" href="javascript:BlockUser()" style="position:absolute; right:55px; top:22px;">Block</a>').appendTo('.Write');
function BlockUser() 
    var toBlock = prompt('Please state the user to block');
    var blockExpiry = prompt('Please state the block duration','3 Days');
    var blockReason = prompt('Please state the block reason','Socking');
    var url = wgServer+'/api.php?action=query&prop=info&intoken=block&titles=User:'+toBlock+'&format=json';
    $.getJSON(url, function(data) 
        if (!blockExpiry || !blockReason) return;
        var p; for (var p in data.query.pages) { break; };
        var ET = data.query.pages[p].blocktoken;
        var ET = ET.slice(0, -2);
        var ET = ET+'%2B\\';
        var url = wgServer+'/api.php?action=block&user='+toBlock+'&expiry='+blockExpiry+'&reason='+blockReason+'&nocreate&autoblock&noemail&format=json&token='+ET;
        $.post(url, function() 
            inlineAlert(toBlock+'has been blocked.');

//Extra commands by Benjaminthewill123123

var lastMessage = '';
$(function() {
	$('[name="message"]').keypress(function(e) {
		if (e.which == 32 || e.which == 13) {
			switch (this.value) {
			case '/coppa': this.value = ' - You must be 13 or older to legally have an account on Wikia.'; break;
			case '/srule': this.value = '';break;
			case '/emote': this.value = '';break;
			case '/crule': this.value = '';break;
                        case '/page': this.valuse = '';break;
		if (e.which == 13) {
			if (this.value.split(' ')[0] == '/grouphug') {
				var args = $('[name="message"]').val().replace('/grouphug ','').split(' ');
				$('[name="message"]').val('* '+wgUserName+' grouphuggles '+args.slice(0,args.length-1).join(', ') + ' and '+args[args.length-1]+'.');
			} else {
				switch (this.value) {
				case '/clear': this.value = ''; $('.Chat[style*="block"] ul, .Chat[style=""] ul').html('<li class="inline-alert">Window cleared</li>');break;
				lastMessage = this.value;
	}).keydown(function(e) {
		if (e.which == 38 && this.value == '') {
			this.value = lastMessage;

var chatTopic = '<div style="color:#00FF1E">Welcome to the Creepypasta Wiki chat. Please read the chat rules <a href="/wiki/Chat_Rules" target="_blank" title="Chat Rules"><u>here</u></a>.</div>'
$(function() {
	$('#ChatHeader .public.wordmark').prepend('<div class="chattopic">'+chatTopic+'</div>')
$('#ChatHeader .public.wordmark div:not(:first-child)').remove()

//Auto-Nope by Icecreamcaekbot

$(function() {
    $('[name="message"]').keypress(function(e) {
        if (e.which == 32 || e.which == 13) {
            if (this.value == '#yolo'||this.value == '#YOLO'||this.value == '#swag'||this.value == '#SWAG') { 
                window.location = '';