I have a dirty mind..
"If you're ever lonely... never try to play with yourself."
Laughed at the last line[]
Linkforpresident 01:49, June 6, 2011 (UTC)Never play with yourself when you are story.
Nasty Paramedic![]
What kind of a medical professional says to a recently widowed woman 'if your infant son knew CPR your husband would still be alive, but he didn't, so it's all his fault'!?
I mean jesus christ I'd best go to medical school incase I need to perform heart surgery in my living room, otherwise some asshole of a paramedic's gonna blame me for dad dying! (not knocking the story, was good, just think that paramedic's a heartless bastard)
^ ^ ^ ^
OffsetServbot: Since when is 10 years old an infant?
PS: great story
how exactly was it his fault his dad died? I mean did anyone cared to TEACH him CPR? I mean this is a 10 yr old kid we're talking about here and I doabt a kid that young would know how to perform it let alone know what it is
remember kids...Hypno is watching @_@ 07:51, July 31, 2011 (UTC)
But how else am I supposed to get my satisfaction? :'(Suprememessage 22:43, August 31, 2011 (UTC)
This page has had its OC tag removed as it was not listed on the User Submissions page after fair warning was given (Months!). If you want to put the OC tag back on, please add it to the User Submissions page. Failure to add an OC page to the Submissions page THREE times will result in a 3 day suspension from editing. ClericofMadness 05:46, September 10, 2011 (UTC)
Hahaha at the last line "If you're ever alone, never play with yourself." Burst out laughing there lol.
LOL I'm sorry, but I just had to laugh my ass off at that last line. "If you're ever lonely, never try to play with yourself." Well yeah, I don't, just in fear that my mom'll come home early and catch me. xD The story itself wasn't that good. It had a lot of potential, and I liked it but the ending was really choppy and it felt like the author just got lazy and just decided to say "and he was depressed for the rest of his life. The moral of the story: kids shouldn't masterbate. The end." Crappy, crappy, crappy. What a cold pasta. ItsUnoriginal 23:01, February 22, 2012 (UTC)
my opipon[]
this was really good,it's like it really happened.i really like the end.Sonic.exe123 (talk) 21:01, December 18, 2012 (UTC)Sonic.exe123