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By mandate of Dr. Frederick Bowman Woodard, PhD., C.E.O. of CRONUS


In the past few years, the world has changed. The planet's ecosystems have been irreversibly altered by a set of unifying factors, and the changes have occurred fast enough that some are beginning to be recognized as global ecological shifts. These events are part of a series of unanticipated global changes that are, in turn, linked to a phenomenon that has only manifested within the past hundred years or so: temporal aberrations.

An introduction to temporal aberrations

In short, a temporal aberration is a tear in the space-time continuum, triggered by a severe disruption to the universe's energy-matter balance. It is believed that at least one temporal aberration exists at any given time, due to the ratio of energy to matter constantly fluctuating.  A temporal aberration is believed to appear at regular intervals along a chain of worlds connected by a set of energy-matter currents that span the continuum, with the aberration itself existing at the nexus of the current's origin and termination. Aberrations can be identified from a distance because they appear in a form akin to concentrated heat haze, warping light to produce a strange gravitational lensing effect.

Temporal aberrations serve as Einstein-Rosen bridges, connecting two points in the space-time continuum. Interestingly, those connected to the past appear to generate a point of divergence, resulting in the creation of a parallel universe. Likewise, the timestream we inhabit cannot and will not be affected by any interactions with incursive fauna (detailed below). There are several more anomalous properties of temporal aberrations, which have not been explained. The most notable of these is the apparent emission of pheromones which draw nearby organisms closer, explaining the frequency of incursions; exactly how or why this occurs is unclear.

Identifying temporal aberrations

Knowing how to identify a temporal aberration is paramount in the present day. So, how do we do that? To know this, you need to understand that there are two types of temporal aberrations:

  • The short-term temporal aberrations may last between a minute and a day
  • The long-term temporal aberrations may last between a day and a decade.

In addition to the length of their manifestations, which vary drastically, there are ways to identify individual temporal aberrations. The temperatures emitted by individual temporal aberrations vary, though short-term aberrations typically give off more heat than long-term ones. This is because they emit more energy, the very reason they last so little time in the first place. Short-term aberrations can make a cold day in Alaska feel like the Amazon rainforest. Direct physical contact with a short-term aberration about to close may result in permanent disfigurement or the amputation of whatever body part is touching it.

The dangers of temporal aberrations

Now that you know how to identify a temporal aberration, what are the risks involved? To answer this, let us use a particularly recent example, one that took place just a few months ago. In an undisclosed part of New England, a temporal aberration linked to the Late Cretaceous Scollard Formation opened, leading to the release of at least two large animals: an Edmontosaurus annectens and a Tyrannosaurus rex. Of the small camping group in the area, only one person, whose name shall not be disclosed, survived. The danger from temporal aberrations comes not from their mere presence, but from what emerges. Though the specific details vary between instances, these basic rules should keep you safe.

  • If you encounter a large herbivore or carnivore, remain calm and still. Notify the nearest CRONUS facility immediately and await further instructions. Herbivores are territorial and with predators, movement may trigger a hunting instinct.
  • If you encounter a medium-sized herbivore or carnivore, do the same as above. Any sudden movement may trigger a self-preservation instinct, leading to an attack; it is unlikely that you will be able to fight an attacker.
  • If you encounter a Therosorex raptivus, remain still. Make no sudden movements. If possible, hold your breath for as long as possible. They hunt through echolocation. If you hear the unmistakable sound of low-pitched croaking in the vicinity, they are close. They hunt in packs. If you are bitten, paralysis will follow. You will be alive when you are eaten.
  • If you encounter a small herbivore or carnivore, immediately notify the nearest CRONUS facility. You do not need to take any further action, unless the animals are in numbers.
  • Do not immediately trust any humans who emerge from temporal aberrations. They are not humans.

The threats posed by temporal aberrations and their accompanying fauna are difficult to anticipate. To remain safe, it is important to observe the rules outlined above and remember that most wildlife is afraid of humans and will usually obey their instincts. However, there are many exceptions, and the reader is advised to seek the help of local biologists, law enforcement, or the CRONUS facility closest to their current location.

In conclusion

Temporal aberrations, as dangerous as they may be, are not enigmatic. They are understood and can be predicted to some extent. Evacuation from heavily affected areas is possible, even in advance. In summary, while temporal aberrations are indeed dangerous, it is possible to survive with the right know-how.

Written by Palaeontologica
Content is available under CC BY-SA

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