Hey everyone, I realized we haven’t done a contest recently (2020) so when I heard from Dr. Creepen who proposed a song contest for the Creepypasta Wiki, I jumped on the idea. I’d like to proudly present the 2021 Creepypasta Song Contest!
I’ll let Dr. Creepen’s proposal serve as the premise: “My thinking was that a lot of the cheesiest songs ever have a darker side that could be fertile raw material for an inspired author.
“Examples: “'Pina colada song' is actually about a serial killer who's lured many victims in this way before getting a shock.
“'Copa Cabana' - murder mystery waiting to be turned into something nastier.
“'Tie a Yellow Ribbon' - killer spots victims waiting expectantly alone for a man to come visit.”
What rules are there?[]
As with all content posted to the wiki, you need to be the original author, your story cannot feature spinoff material (i.e. other authors’ intellectual properties and/or direct re-telling of the songs you select), and the story needs to meet our quality standards.
How do I enter?[]
Simply post your story to the wiki (making sure to cite the song you are using for inspiration) and comment on this blog with a link to your story. We will be adding your story to the blog alongside your username as a means of compiling the entrants.
Who are the judges and how will the contest be managed?[]
Currently there are two judges (me and Dr. Creepen) who will be selecting our favorite entries to be featured on this blog and possibly narrated by the talented Dr. Creepen. We will also have a poll to allow you to vote for your favorite.
Time is a bit of a factor here as my Veterinary rotations are set to pick up by March 1st 2021 so I think opening the contest this Friday (February 12th, 2021) and closing submissions February 27th at midnight will give anyone interested ample opportunity to participate.
After talking to some people who voiced their concerns that the contest was announced and opened without much time for them to prepare, I've decided to extend the deadline to March 7th.
Welcome to the 2021 Creepypasta Song Contest! Feel free to drop a comment below if you have any questions or if I overlooked anything that you'd like clarified. We’re excited to see what you all come up with!
Get Up by MLycantrope using the song "Stef Auf" by Lindemann
Oil Rig 23 Has Some Serious Issues by Eiusdem using the song "Ocean Man" by Ween
Club Tropicana by Gaiatrix using the song Club Tropicana by Wham!
Emp's Picks[]
1st place: Oil Rig 23 Has Some Serious Issues by Eiusdem
2nd place: Get Up by MLycantrope
3rd place: Club Tropicana by Gaiatrix
People's Choice[]
[https://www.strawpoll.me/42821857 Strawpoll]