Creepypasta Wiki

Nommehzombies Nommehzombies 12 October 2014

My internet isn't working correctly

As a result, I am going to be inactive for a few days till it is fixed. But once it is I'll be back I full force. But for now, excuse my high inactivity, as I can't help it.

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Nommehzombies Nommehzombies 24 February 2013

Horror Films?

Alright, I cannot deny that I love horror movies. But I really can't decide whether horror is growing more clichéd, or it is just in a slump? Because here lately, the last decent horror movie that I have seen was The Cabin in the Woods? Some people might say that just because it is new, that it is awful. I will agree, nowadays, I do judge movies by the cover, but lately, I don't seem to do that now that one horror movie has peaked and renewed my faith in them.

So my question is, do you think that horror is going to decrease, or claw it's way back to the top?

And while on the subject, what is your favorite horror film? Mine is tied between Suspiria, and Identity.

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