Creepypasta Wiki

Hello folks! Your good friend Ruckus here, and I have come here to show you my first-ever art project.

This project I planned a few weeks ago, and began a just few days ago is titled The Stars. My artworks here, which are typographies (or word arts, coining the term everyone here is familiar with), revolve around the same theme: the stars. These typographical artworks, as you can clearly see, will all begin with the short phrase "the stars", and whatever pops up inside my head that I could connect to this phrase, albeit a clever or a stupid one, that's what I will base my artwork upon. Of course, I will utilize the same art style throughout this project: 3D-esque typography, image of stars or galaxies overlaid upon the background/text, and a fancy 6-point thick border. I will explore more artistic teritories (techniques, styles, you get the point) as I get deeper and more involved in this project, which will probably last for a month or two.

I do this for the love art, simple as that. That means the ideas here in these artworks will either mean nothing (to you, at least) or be as random as hell. Quite a chance, one time it'll be positive (inspirational and motivational), the next one it will be neutral (mysterious and somehow incomprehensible), and in some instances downright negative (dark and nihilistic). It's just... for the love of art. Really, I don't intend to convey a certain message on The Stars project, as I do this not to expound my rather irrelevant ideologies but to express myself in an artistic manner. That's just it, if this was not for the love art this project wouldn't even see the light of the day.

Now that I've finished telling you some background, let me now show you my works. Here they are; look upon them and awe at its dazzling beauty. Please enjoy!

(Note: this blog will be regularly updated, so if you're digging this real deep, keep your eyes peeled.)

To see more stuff like this, please visit my DeviantArt page ! This was the whole point of this blog, to be honest.
