Creepypasta Wiki

Hey, guys, just wanted to know, in your opinions/experience, what you would say the most common mistakes you see are? Maybe even ideas on how we can further educate potential Pasta writers on these things, as obviously they aren't looking at the pages for writing advice.

Personally, I've noticed that people tend to not know how to properly punctuate their sentences, or even structure them. Namely: COMMAS AND RUN-ON SENTENCES. I mean, they teach that stuff throughout middle school and high school here in the US (can't talk for other countries), so I really don't understand how so many new writers don't notice that they're not using them properly. I know, nobody's perfect, and everybody makes a few mistakes, myself included, but when I see a story where every sentence is five slammed into one, or when commas are nowhere to be seen except in all the wrong places, I can't help but wonder how we can improve this.

Sorry for the rambling. Any thoughts/other common problems you guys notice?

Frank Phillips (talk) 02:19, February 8, 2018 (UTC)
